Top 8 Break Down: Event 5 Opus 4
By Laurent Nguyen
Milo Mosquera
1st Place
My Tea is Cold I Don’t Why I Got Out of Bed at All
If you like damage combos, this is the deck for you!
Play Al-Cid into Rygdea or Onion Knight to deal 9-11K damage. Start with your other Onion Knight or Cactuar to damage a forward, then finish it off with the Onion Knight or Orlandeau. Use your summons and monsters to break opposing forwards, or punish aggressive players with Zidane. Make your opponent regret returning your forwards to your hand or breaking them, as most of them have enter the field abilities.
Strike down your opponents so hard that they’ll wonder why they got out of bed at all.
This deck took down Ice/Fire Shelke Gadot, Ice/Fire FF6 Discard Burn, and Wind/Lightning in the Top Cuts.
Forwards (26)
Backups (17)
Summons (4)
Monsters (3)
Thomas Nguyen
2nd Place
Lu-Cid Control
This variation of the Wind Lightning deck focuses on the Lulu package. It adds Odin, Chaos, Walker of the Wheel, and Exodus, the Judge-Sal.
Your Lu-Cid plays will keep the game under control.
Forwards (19)
Backups (20)
Summons (10)
Monsters (1)
Brian Ng
3rd Place
Warrior of Light
This deck is filled with counters such as Guy against dull/freeze effects, Ritz against bounce effects, and Dadaluma or Delita against targeted effects. The combination of Enna Kros and Maria will keep your Raubahn alive, while dealing 9K damage to an opposing forward.
Punish opposing damage abilities with Dadaluma and Shantotto, or get the fun started with your Cactuar.
This deck took down Water/Wind monsters in the Top Cuts.
Forwards (21)
Backups (17)
Summons (9)
Monsters (3)
Phillip Marciano
4th Place
Yakko Wakko and Discard 1
The game is fun when everything is dull!
Punish aggressive players with Jihl Nabaat, Cid Raines, and Shiva. Burn away small forwards with Vivi, Firion, and Black Waltz 2. Attack their hands with Locke or Genesis.
Use this three-pronged discard strategy to drive your opponents crazy.
This deck took down Wind/Water chocobos in the Top Cuts.
Forwards (25)
Backups (16)
Summons (9)
Brian Gerbi
5th Place
Pinky & The Brian
Start the monster mash with one cp, and then keep the pain train going!
Dig deep into your deck with Relm. Turn Koboldroid Yin or Green Dragon into forwards by dulling a backup for 1 cp, then attack to have Nono refund you the cost. Clear the way with Tonberries, and then use Gau and Mira to do it all over again.
This game plan will help you take over the world!
Forwards (15)
Backups (17)
Summons (6)
Monsters (12)
David Burgos
6th Place
Lightning Plus
Let the armies of darkness assemble!
Golbez, Exdeath, and their minions combine with Strongest Sword Gilgamesh cavalry to request an audience with Feral Chaos. Al-Cid and his friends are there to make sure that no one gets in the way.
This is what the world looks like when it’s been taken over by Lighting Plus darkness.
Forwards (35)
Backups (12)
Summons (3)
Clarmelia Paunil
7th Place
The Zaku Hunters’ Shinigami
Gotta go fast!
This aggressive deck is all about speed. Shelke and Gadot let you play 2 cp fire forwards for free. Tifa starts off the haste party, but Sage and Belias lets everyone else join in on the fun. Clear the way with Snow, Shiva, Vivi, and Bahamut. Punish opponents who try to race you with Jihl Nabaat, Shiva, and Zalera.
Fulfill your role as a Shinigami, and cut through the competition.
Forwards (26)
Backups (10)
Summons (14)
Alvin Orr
8th Place
King of the North’s King of the Friends
Let the chocobo race begin!
This aggressive deck likes to play Izana to search for Fat Chocobo, which lets you search and play Opus 1 Chocobo, Opus 4 Chocobo, or Special Chocobo. Get your low costs forwards back from the break zone with Asura and Gladiator. Use Koboldroid Yin and Shemhazai, the Whisperer to go under opposing forwards for the last few points of damage.
Lead this unlikely group of friends to victory!
Forwards (27)
Backups (13)
Summons (9)
Monsters (1)